Efrem Read online

Page 7

  In tandem, he pushed his finger and his dick in. He backed off, then pressed them both deep inside her. She whimpered and clenched every appendage of his she had control of. He shuddered. Both went in, both came out. He picked up speed, lost his rhythm, caught it again, and picked up more speed. His own climax was approaching. Distracted now by the pressure building in his lower body—and his heart—he relinquished his hold on her butt, grabbed her hips, and lost the rhythm again as he jerked with the force of his climax. Just before finishing, he stuck his still wet finger deep into her rectum, reached around her with the other hand and pressed hard on her clit. He felt the waves of her release with his dick and both hands. Breathing hard, he dropped onto the bed next to her. He was still almost completely dressed. Lisa’s ass still stuck in the air. Slowly, she tilted and collapsed on her side next to him. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close.

  He hoped tomorrow’s hearing worked out as well as he and Lisa did.

  Hell, he hoped he and Lisa worked out.

  Chapter Seven

  “It’s time.”

  “Do I look all right?” she asked as they went out the front door.

  “If you looked any better we’d be going in the other direction.”

  Efrem followed her down the porch steps. Who knew? The pencil skirt—that’s what Lisa called it—showcased the firm globes of her ass and her perfectly shaped legs. He had to close his eyes a moment to lose the image of them splayed before him.

  “Do we have time—”

  “No,” she said, laughing. “We’ll be late.”

  “And the problem with that is…?” He opened the car door for her and shut it behind her.

  She was smiling when he got in and started the car. Just like I planned. Hopefully the rest of my plan goes half as well.

  “I’ve been late before,” he said.

  “Not to court.”

  “I’ve never been to court before.”

  Her deep sigh told him he was taking the wrong tack.

  “But I’ve courted before.”

  She looked over at him. He kept his eyes on the road.

  “Courted? Like, dated?”

  “Well, courted may be a dated word…”


  “But its meaning is still the same today.”

  “Okay. Who did you court?”

  “Mary Sue Bennigan. Boy, was she hot.”

  He saw her make a face at him from the corner of his eye. “I saw that.”

  “You never courted anyone named Mary Sue. You probably don’t even know a Mary Sue.”

  “Do so. I met her in school and fell in love instantly.”

  “Hah! This from the man who says he’s never understood the fairer sex.”

  “I didn’t say I understood her, I said I courted her. We went out at least twice a week, sometimes just for a drive.” He glanced over at Lisa. “She let me hold her hand. And once, well…you have to admit I have a couple of pretty good moves.”

  He could practically see smoke coming from her ears. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her chin in the air.

  “She was my first.”

  Lisa flicked him a glance. “Someone had to be.” She went back to staring out the windshield.

  “Don’t you want to know more about Mary Sue?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “She was taller than me.”

  That got her attention.

  “You’re over six foot. What was she, an Amazon?”

  “Don’t be mean while you’re being jealous.”

  She swung around to face him. Face his side anyway. He stared straight ahead.

  “Jealous? Me? Hah! Fat chance.”

  “It’s okay, Lis. It’s kind of flattering.”

  “Go flatter yourself.”

  “Mary Sue and I got along pretty well until Miss Macomb came between us.”

  It took a few seconds, but she eventually asked.

  “Who is Miss Macomb?”

  “She was my third grade teacher.” He turned the car into the lot at the courthouse. “She separated me and Mary Sue because we were holding hands across the aisle.”

  Lisa play-smacked him on the arm. “I knew you were joking.”

  He gave her his most innocent look. “I wasn’t joking. It was the best three weeks of my life.”

  She laughed and got out before he could get around to her door. “You should wait for me to get your door.”

  She flapped one hand, then the other. “They don’t look broken to me.”

  It was his turn. “Har-har. I like to do things for you like open doors. I did things for Mary Sue, too.”

  They walked along the sidewalk toward the security checkpoint. “Like what?”

  “I let her have shotgun when my mom drove the car pool.”

  They were both laughing as they went through the metal detector. They collected their belongings from the dog food bowl on the conveyor belt and headed for the judge’s chambers where the hearing would be held. The cheeriness lasted right up to the door, right up until they saw Dan Morris standing in the anteroom.

  Hightower was seated, but stood as Lisa entered the room. “My dear, you look delightful.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Stanley. You’re looking as charming as ever.”

  While Efrem heard the exchange, his eyes were focused on Dan who was transfixed on Lisa’s derriere. He cleared his throat, loudly. Everyone looked at him. He only looked at Dan who immediately looked away. You better keep your eyes off my future wife.

  The door to the judge’s chambers opened. A young man appeared and motioned them inside. “I assume you are the two parties involved.” At their nods, he smiled. “Good. We can get started right away.”

  Judge Rhine allowed Efrem to remain only because he had no stake in the outcome. No stake indeed. I get the girl.

  Once sworn in, Dan was asked to explain his position. Then it was Lisa’s turn. The judge read Bob Lynch and Ben Khouli’s statements into the record. Then he asked questions. And more questions. Efrem was on the verge of letting his eyes roll back in his head when he heard something he didn’t like.

  “An injunction allows me more time to research the issue, find out exactly what the intent of the will and the promise mean.”

  “You mean I won’t get my ranch?”

  “It means it won’t be transferred to the proper owner at the end of this month. You’ll be notified of my decision.”

  Judge Rhine stood up as did his assistant. Dan and Uncle Stanley got to their feet. Efrem slowly rose to his full height. Lisa remained seated.

  “That’s it?” she asked. “You get more time, he gets time to create more witnesses, and I get to work myself to the bone with no guarantee I’ll get to keep my ranch!”

  “Uh, Lisa?” Efrem said.

  “This hearing is closed Ms. Alayne. I’ve instituted an injunction, and you will be informed of my decision in six to eight weeks,” the judge stated.

  “Six to eight weeks? What happened to the end of the month?”

  The door opened before Lisa could continue. In walked a man in pressed jeans, white shirt, string tie, a huge white hat, and a belt buckle the size of a CPU. His alligator boots thudded on the wooden floor as a bailiff followed him through the door.

  “I’m sorry, your Honor, he insisted.” The bailiff gave the cowboy a dirty look.

  “I figured a judge would want the truth.”

  “Of course I want the truth. Who are you?”

  Efrem finally realized both Dan and Lisa were staring at the man like they’d seen a ghost, and he knew who he was looking at before he opened his mouth.

  “Trey Adams, yer Honor.”

  * * * *

  Trey Adams. Just what I need.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Trey said in greeting. And he winked at her.

  “Uncle Dan. Thought I’d find you here.”

  “Why are you here, Trey?”

  “Just want to set the record straight.”

sp; “The old man promised me half the ranch and even you heard him.”

  Lisa thought Dan didn’t look well. He was pale and had taken a couple of steps back. In contrast, Efrem had taken a step forward and a flush was spreading slowly across his cheekbones. And he stood right next to her.

  “Yeah, I heard him awright.”

  Judge Rhine put his papers back down on the table. “Do you have information that is pertinent to the issue before me?”

  She almost chuckled at the expression on Trey’s face.

  “Well, I have somethin’ to say about it.”

  “Go ahead. I want to know exactly what was said.”

  “You already know most of what was said. The old man promised my uncle half his ranch.”

  Ice formed in the pit of her stomach. She knew Trey had never loved her, but his betrayal still left her feeling empty and cold inside. Why couldn’t he have stayed away? Things were going bad enough without him.

  “So we have another testimony in favor of the ranch being split,” the judge said.

  Lisa thought reiterating it was unnecessary and cruel, but it was his office.

  “Not really. If you mean I agree with that, I mean.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Efrem asked.

  “There was more to the promise, remember, Uncle Dan?”

  “No. And neither do you.”

  “Ha! I’m not going to let you cheat the prettiest lady out of what’s hers.” He turned to the judge and took off his hat. “Yer Honor, the old man did promise my uncle half the ranch…over his dead body. But since his body is dead, you should know he was shit-faced, er, drunk as a skunk. See, Bob and Ben had brought a bottle of scotch. My uncle brought a bottle of tequila, and the old man had a bottle of bourbon. All them bottles were empty and dry by the time the old man promised the ranch.” He turned to her, warmth in his eyes, regret on his face. “You remember when your granddaddy got sick and spent a day in the hospital?”

  “Yeah. He said it was nothing.”

  “It was alcohol poisoning. He told me later. Said he’d never had so much to drink in so short a time. Said it was like an outta body experience, whatever that is.”

  A newfound respect formed for the stocky cowboy in her heart. “Thank you, Trey.”

  “Weren’t nothin’. When I found out what Uncle Dan had in store for you, I came right back.” Softly, so only she could hear, he added, “I shoulda come back long ago.” He tipped his head in Efrem’s direction.

  “Yeah. He’s the one,” she said just as softly.

  “Trey Adams,” he said, holding out his hand to Efrem.

  “Efrem Mantz.”

  Trey tugged on Efrem’s hand hard enough to have pulled a horse off his feet. Efrem held his ground.

  “Be nice to her. She deserves it.”

  “No worries. I’m treating her like a queen.” He looked to her for confirmation.

  “Yeah, he does.”

  Judge Rhine spoke up. “If you two are done, I’d like to take an official statement from Mr. Adams.”

  “Mister Adams,” Trey said with a grin.

  “And you, Mr. Morris. Are you familiar with the term perjury?”

  Lisa finally got to her feet and had to lock her knees. It’s mine again. It’s all mine. She glanced at Efrem. Well, almost all mine.

  It took another hour to straighten everything out, get the statements made, notarized, stamped, filed, whatever. Then they were free.

  She ran to the car, calling out to Efrem as she went. “Hurry up. I want to get home!”

  He obliged and got them to the ranch in record time. She jumped out—before he could open her door—and ran around, swinging in circles. A couple of horses lifted their heads but went back to grazing. They were used to her antics. Her tight skirt hampered her exuberance so she shucked it leaving her in her panties.

  “Lisa! Get over here. You’re scaring the horses.”

  “Nah. I’m too happy to stop.”

  “You won’t have to give the wranglers a raise if they get a load of you like that.”

  She spun to a stop. He stood with his hands on his hips, a small smile in place. A plain belt circled his waist. Dark blue jeans rode low and showcased the bulge between his legs. And the bulge was growing.

  She sauntered toward him. “Looks like I’m giving you a raise right now.” Delighted when he started to blush, she ran a finger up his chest.

  His hands remained on his hips.

  “Lisa, I really don’t want to get caught having sex on the ground by one of the cowboys you’ve got all over the place.”

  “We could make love instead.”

  He chuckled, but his hands still clutched his hips.

  “Okay. Come this way.” She turned her back on him and strolled—using her hips—into the first barn.

  “The cowboys don’t come in here.” She led the way into the large tack room. Bridles, halters, and bits hung from posts on the walls. A saddle tree held one English saddle and three spare Western saddles. One large, worn Western saddle sat by itself on a sawhorse. The stirrups were ragged-looking and the cinch was broken. But the saddle horn was sturdy enough for Lisa’s plan.

  As she turned to face him, she slid her shell top over her head. She let it flutter to the floor behind her. Efrem closed and locked the door.

  Getting into the part, she ran her hands down her belly, let them slide over her panties until she cupped herself. And rubbed. She gave a shoulder-shaking shudder. Efrem moved toward her but she held up one hand. “Ah, ah.”

  “What are you up to?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  She slid out of her shoes and mounted the saddle. Her hips were moving rhythmically as she rubbed her pussy along the saddle ridge. Gripping the horn, she pulled herself forward until it was firmly seated between her legs. Closing her eyes, she rubbed her cunt against the horn. Head back, she humped the saddle horn until she was good and wet.

  She slid a hand behind her and unsnapped her bra. Her naked breasts jiggled as she rubbed up against the hard horn. The leather covering it was getting wet, right through her panties. Hearing her man make a move, she opened her eyes and shook her head.

  “You have to wait.”

  “Can I take off some clothes?”

  “I guess,” she said, playing coy. She’d never stripped or masturbated for a man, but she was pretty sure she’d do it again. Soon.

  “I want to taste you.”

  “Ah, sweetheart, you will.” She slipped one hand inside her panties and brought one shiny, wet finger to her mouth. She licked it clean. “But after me.”

  Efrem was down to his shorts. No tighty whities for him. Dark plaid stood out in stark relief against his skin. The tent in front was interesting to note. She wasn’t the only one enjoying her performance.

  He groaned and wrapped a fist around his cock.

  “Nah, ah. You have to wait.”

  Reluctantly, and with a last caress, he let go. His shorts slipped to the floor and his erection bounced with anticipation.

  “In a little while, after I take care of myself—”

  Efrem moaned and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “You can stick that cock you’re so proud of deep inside my pussy.”

  This time he wiped his forehead.

  “You’re killing me here.”

  “No, I’m bringing you to life.”

  He blinked. The look in his eyes told her he was with her all the way.

  Carefully, she pulled her panties off. She had to go slow because the horn had jammed the material inside her pussy. When they hit the floor she lifted her feet to frame the horn which opened her up. She felt her flesh quivering as her fingers slipped through the slick, wet channel.

  “Your pussy is actually dripping down and wetting your hole.”

  His words made her clit clench. She used one hand to hold her lips open so her clit was clearly visible. Touching it lightly, she wiggled her finger faster and faster until
the spasms of climax shook her and the saw horse. Panting, she looked up at Efrem. He was staring at her face. She smiled.

  “Your turn.” She climbed down and removed his hand from his cock. It was like a magnet for his hand whenever it got hard. “Sit on the saddle.”

  “Not on your life. I’ll crush my nuts.”

  Looking at his extensive equipment, she nodded. “You’re right. Lean against it.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “You want to discuss it…or do it?”

  “I’ll be quiet.”

  “Not too quiet I hope.”

  She took him in hand and rubbed her thumb over the head. It was purple and angling toward her still wet cunt.

  “Not yet, you bad boy.”

  She petted his impressive erection, kissed his chest, licked his nipples, and fended off his hands. Then she knelt down and kissed his dick. She licked it with her tongue, sucked it with her mouth, and rubbed it with her hand or any other nearby body part. Whatever she could do.

  “No more,” he said, lifting her up to her feet.

  He changed their positions, laid her across the saddle on her stomach, spread her legs with his knees, and jammed himself inside her. His hips pumped hard and steady against her ass. She felt him spread her cheeks apart and slip a finger inside. She lifted her shoulders in response and he grabbed her hair. He played in her ass, his dick whipped in and out of her, and she screamed when she came. She hadn’t thought she’d have enough breath to scream.

  He lay draped over her back, his arms hanging down the side of the saddle.

  “Would you live here with me?” she asked.

  “In the tack room? Absolutely.”

  “No. On the ranch.”

  She felt the change in his attention.

  “On this ranch? Your ranch?” he asked as he stood up.

  His dick slipped out leaving a cold wetness between her legs. She missed the closeness of his body cupping hers, but she really should do this face-to-face. She took a deep breath.

  “Our ranch. If you want.”

  His absolute stillness scared her silly. She stifled a nervous giggle. Then burst out laughing as he bounced around the tack room with his arms in the air. Suddenly, he dropped his arms and grabbed up his jeans. He pulled a box out of the pocket.